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Monday, August 23, 2021

Thalassemia is a Genetic Disease

  Android Wallpapers       Monday, August 23, 2021

 Thalassemia is a genetic disease that is transmitted to children due to a genetic disorder in the parents, and this disease causes anemia in the body, and it is called thalassemia, and the normal hemoglobin in human blood is two chains, alpha and beta.

The two genes responsible for the formation of the alpha chain of globin are on chromosome No. 16, while the single gene responsible for the formation of the beta chain is on chromosome No. 11 HBB.

This is how anemia occurs.

There are three types of thalassemia depending on the severity of the disease. The most severe type is called thalassemia major and the least severe type is called thalassemia minor. The intermediate type is called thalassemia intermediate. This son turned into thalassemia and cannot convert the son into alpha.

Similarly, thalassemia minor cannot become thalassemia major nor can thalassemia major become minor, and similarly, the severity of their disease cannot be increased or decreased.

One of my thalassemia patients is Ali Haider, who comes to me for advice, he told me that when I was 4 years old he found out that when I was 2 months old he had thalassemia.

At age four, I didn't know how dangerous it was and why it happened. But all I can remember is that I was often sent home from school. I will go to the center and transfer blood, when I get a bottle of blood, I will feel better, then I will go to school again, I wanted to study.

I wanted to be something. I also had a dream. One day I was going to be a doctor. But poor health made it difficult to get a permanent education. This was also necessary. Because Mama used to say that I am a special child, she needs food and blood, and Mama cared a lot for me.

Thanks to this I got ICS (Intermediate Computer Science).

I am now 19 years old. Now I need blood sometimes after a month or sometimes after 15 days. Now I can come to the center on my own without my mother and transfuse blood. Now I understand why Mama is special to me. "When I grew up, I learned to take care of my health," she said.

But it is also a fact. I have side effects from repeated blood transfusions. I also treat them. Although, I know now. My life is like a candle in the air. It can be blown away by the 7,000 babies born every year like me who die and live every day and we are given mentors who give us advice.

Maybe it's because of these people that we learned to live. But as we get older, we love life. The rest of the center's children became friends. It hurts to think that one day we will have to give up. We were born with this disease in our mother's womb. The cure is to donate blood. Or Bone Marrow, we are also grateful to them.

Those who do not know us but donate blood for us, we are also grateful to those who arranged for us. They donate blood camps, blood tests, blood transfusions, at the same time, they take care of food and drink. Programs are often made for our entertainment, and this is because we have a lot of psychological effects.

Sometimes our hearts are broken, people reject us, our parents often quarrel with each other because of us, mothers of children are broken just because their three children had thalassemia, and when we Realized we were very sad. Most people cry because of people's ignorance, then psychologists advise not only us but also our parents.

We can at least share our thoughts with the counselors, this is the true story of a very intelligent child with thalassemia.

Psychological problems in children with thalassemia:


These children are more sensitive than normal children because they are afraid of their disease. This fear is going to leave the world one day. One day everyone knows, but when someone gets an incurable disease. As the disease progresses, it becomes frustrating.

This is different from other children:

These children are weaker than other children because of their shape, health and color. And they are much healthier than normal children. And very short stature. Impressions are gained in a fluid, global, diffused way. These are children who are very smart and know that their life is not long, but they are fighting their disease bravely.


These children are given daily counseling, are happy, and a blood donation camp is organized for them. Various programs are made to keep them happy in normal life. They are fully encouraged. Their parents are also given counseling. Because most parents have three children with thalassemia and are bored during their treatment.

Psychologists encourage them, which is why psychologists are assigned to every thalassemia center.


Better a poor horse than no horse at all. If people get thalassemia screening before marriage, many of these children can be prevented from being born.

The government must pass its own law. And not just law enforcement. It should also be praised by force. So that we can save our future generations. We have to campaign. Otherwise, we will not be able to avoid creating a sick society. With the exception of the government, we all have a duty, we must be careful and abstain.


Thanks for reading Thalassemia is a Genetic Disease

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